My Life As a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland (Book Review)

My Life As a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland (Details)

My Life as a White Trash ZombieBook Title: My Life As a White Trash Zombie
Book Author: Diana Rowland
Series: White Trash Zombie Series
Date Published: July 5, 2011
ISBN: 978-0756406752
Number Of Pages: 320
Achievements: Winner of the 2012 Best Urban Fantasy Protagonist by the RT Awards
My Rating: ★★★★★
Find It On: Amazon | GoodReads
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My Life As a White Trash Zombie (Summary)

My Life As a White Trash Zombie starts with our main character, Angel Crawford, waking up in the hospital with little memory of how she got there. The nurse tells her it was an overdose and Angel isn’t surprised. She’s led a life of the stereotypical white trash girl. A life of drugs, addictions, parole, and generally not caring about her future.

As you’ve probably guessed, the hospital stay wasn’t because of an overdose. It was because she had turned into a zombie. A series of mysterious notes instruct her on how to live her new life, starting with taking a new job as a van driver for the morgue.

"You're a zombie." he said, tone flat and curt. "You eat brains. What more do you need to know?" #BookQuote #WhiteTrashZombie Click To Tweet

Angel begins to really like her new job and starts to turn her life around. As she begins to get into the hang of picking up bodies for the morgue and assisting with autopsies, she’s sucked into an investigation of a series of murders.

My Life As a White Trash Zombie (Book Review)

This was a really enjoyable read for me. I found myself laughing out loud at times and really getting into the mystery of the murders.

Parts of this book were a little slow and redundant, but not enough to really bother me. I think it’s because it was the first in the series and author Diana Rowland wanted us to see what Angel’s day-to-day life was like.

Angel really grew as a character. It turns out that becoming a zombie was the best thing to ever happen to her. Through her new job, she makes some real friends and begins to understand that people can really care about her. Also because of her job, she begins to see into people’s lives and how they live.

She begins to realize that how you live has nothing to do with money and everything to do with self-respect. She starts wanting a better life for herself, something she’s never dreamed of before.

My Life As a White Trash Zombie (Audiobook Review)

I enjoyed the way the narrator told this story. The voice of Angel was great, with a soft Southern twang that added to the experience.

The first line we hear is from the hospital nurse, whose Southern accent actually grated on my nerves. But, we only hear her speak for that first couple of minutes and the rest of the accents in the book were fine. I did want a bit of a deeper voice for a particular character, but now I’m just being picky.


    • Renee March 26, 2023

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