The Serial Killer Next Door by Estep – Details
Book Title: The Serial Killer Next Door: The Double Lives of Notorious Murderers
Book Author: Richard Estep
Date Published: January 10, 2023
Number of Pages: 320
My Rating: ★★★
The Serial Killer Next Door – Summary
The Serial Killer Next Door by Rickard Estep contains summaries of 26 different serial killer stories.
The Serial Killer Next Door – Book Review
I received a copy of this book through Edelweiss.
The copy I received was not an advanced copy and the book is available for public consumption. An editor would have done wonders here. The amount of commas in some sentences was alarming and made sentences hard to read. An editor would have also removed mistakes like “[how did this revert to argh]” or why the book title kept showing up in read and the name kept changing from part 1 to part 8. The overuse of commas, the incomplete sentences, the random punctuation, and random line breaks make this book so difficult to read.
The format of this book also bothered me. In the PDF version, it made sense why there were knives between sections, boxes with what I assume was supposed to be dripping blood with highlights, and line breaks. When I read it on my kindle, all of that formatting was changed. The blood images were just random and line breaks were off. Each chapter began with one letter and then the rest of the word would be two lines below.
The biggest thing that bothered me about the format was the random images of almost unrelated things. Like if the killer had a dog, there would be a random picture of a dog. If there were tire tracks at a crime scene, there would be a random picture of tire tracks. If the killer used a phone, there was a random picture of a phone. It reminded me of a bad tv documentary. None of these pictures were from the real event. I did, however, like when the images were of the real person or from the actual case.
As for the stories themselves, I felt like I was just reading some Wiki Pages. I feel like a written book should have more information to learn than this book had.
I enjoy books, films etc about serial killers. What a shame they didn’t have it properly edited.